Jackie Howard and Jill Tibbetts have set up a new, not-for-profit community group, with the aim of removing the non-native invasive plants, Crassula and Parrots Feather, which are smothering the lovely pond in Morston, north Norfolk.
We hope this group, which we have named S.W.A.M.P. (Sustainable Work At Morston Pond) will be able to insure that the pond is cared for and enjoyed by all long into the future.
Please join SWAMP and be kept up to date with our progress, meetings and work parties.
Annual subscription of £5.00 for adults, Children & students FREE!
With your help we hope to have some fun learning more and taking this very worthwhile and interesting project forward to make a real difference for both the wildlife and the community.
Email Jill at morstonpondproject@gmail.com
or phone 01263 741082.
Keep up-to-date on out Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/MorstonPond